parallax background


Unfortunately only a few good ideas make their way to an (economically) successful project. We support you in the planning and implementation of your project based on the experience gained from your own entrepreneurial success, on the current international level of knowledge in the fields of project development and project management and on a great deal of common sense. Keywords here are: a constructive-critical analysis of the "good idea", a market and profitability analysis, in individual cases a sustainability analysis (social and ecological aspects), a clear and realistic implementation strategy, important business decisions, concrete implementation based on the respective project architecture, suitable monitoring and much more. However, for us the most important thing in project development is a cooperative and trustful common path - the basis for success!


Efficient and targeted surveys form the basis for new findings or further development, whether classical market and opinion research or evaluations and scientific surveys. In many cases the survey is conducted in a form that does not provide or only partially provides the findings intended by the respective survey. The causes are manifold and avoidable.

Based on our many years of experience, we offer you quantitative or qualitative surveys, counts (flows, utilisation, cross-sectional surveys etc.) or market analyses. We plan all steps of a survey (together with you) at the highest level based on national and international empirical social and market research.



At netwiss OG we regard personal, interpersonal contact as a central form of industry-specific networking and knowledge exchange. As one of the most valuable resources for everyone involved, personal contact must be promoted, maintained and optimally organised.

The team at netwiss OG plans and organises national and international networking events with you or for you at the highest level. Our focus is always on a fun and entertaining exchange between the participants in an event, which we generally enable and professionally implement via new event architectures and individual formats.


For every company, it should be a matter of course to consider all related effects - also economically - in the run-up to a decision. This is the only way to ensure that the decision to be taken has positive economic effects on the company or the project. The spectrum of possible profitability analyses ranges from cost/benefit analyses, SWOT analyses, investment calculations, profit comparisons, MAPI method, business plans etc.

At netwiss OG we apply one or a combination of several of these methods in consulting or R&D projects, among other things, in order to be able to assess the economic efficiency of the (project) results obtained. Accordingly, netwiss OG has many years of broad experience. You too can benefit from this. Get in touch with us and we will prepare tailor-made economic analyses for your specific questions.


Both in everyday mobility and when travelling, luggage transport and related difficulties are of central importance in terms of satisfaction and choice of the means of transport. The biggest problems lie with longer footpaths, when staying and moving in stations, when boarding as well as when moving and stowing luggage in trains or buses. In addition to comfort restrictions, there are many operational challenges for public-transport operators due to accompanying luggage.

We at netwiss OG have many years of in-depth expertise in the special field of luggage logistics and will be happy to advise you on all problems related to luggage transport and accommodation in various public transport and other areas of application as well as in developing clear optimisation options.



Due to different personal limitations, many people are unable to participate or limited in their participation in daily mobility or travel. In addition to legal requirements, from an ethical point of view the self-image of a society requires that all persons regardless of their restrictions should be able to participate equally in mobility.

Since its foundation, netwiss OG has been working on various projects to evaluate and improve accessibility in the context of mobility, especially in the use of public transport and in the field of air travel. We are happy to support you with the various problems around accessibility.



For reasons of economy, modern passenger trains strive for a maximum number of seats. However, this reduces the size of luggage-storage areas leading to longer dwell times and a lower occupancy rate, all of which negatively effects economic efficiency!

Based on meticulous studies of the behaviour of more than 400,000 passengers in passenger coaches, survey of the needs of approx. 60,000 passengers and precise analysis of more than 10,000 pieces of luggage, we have built up a unique level of knowledge that enables us to precisely assess the efficiency of all passenger coaches in local and long-distance traffic and to optimize it with regard to luggage accommodation, achievable seat occupancy, passenger exchange time and passenger satisfaction.